Glow Up at Home: DIY Beauty Remedies with Everyday Ingredients

Glow Up at Home: DIY Beauty Remedies with Everyday Ingredients


In an age with so many pricey beauty products and elaborate regimes it is comforting to know that a natural radiant skin can be produced from the kitchen. Natural beauty remedies are cheap and also the best option especially if one is avoiding chemical products. Also, they are enjoyable to create! Here are some basic face masks and scrubs that you can make at home for a natural glowing skin.  

Nourishing Face Masks  

1. Honey and Yogurt Mask  

Honey and yogurt are two best friends in skincare that you didn’t know you needed. Honey helps in moisturizing the skin while yogurt has lactic acid that helps in the removal of the layer on the skin to give it a brighter complexion. 


  • - Honey-1 tablespoon 
  • -1 tablespoon of plain yogurt.  


Combine the honey and yogurt together till they are well incorporated in a small bowl. Wash your face so that it is damp and then spread the mixture evenly on your face excluding the eyes. It is recommended to allow the mixture to remain on the skin for about the duration of 15-20 minutes before rinsing with warm water. With moist skin, you will notice a glow on your skin that is extremely smooth and healthy looking.   

Exfoliating Scrubs

2. Sugar and olive oil scrub.

This is the simplest of all scrubs out there, as it includes sugar for scrubbing and olive oil for moisturising and it is excellent for removing dead skin cells on the surface of the skin to reveal the skin beneath.


  • - 1/2 cup of sugar.
  • - 1/4 cup of olive oil.


Whisk in a bowl the sugar and the olive oil. Apply the mixture, perform circular motions on your skin for a few minutes before rinsing with warm water. The skin becomes very smooth and hydrated.

3. Coffee and Coconut Oil Scrub.

Coffee grounds are great for scrubbing and can be used to minimize cellulite, while extra virgin coconut oil nourishes the skin profoundly.


  • - 1/2 cup of coffee grounds.
  • -  ¼ cup of coconut oil.


Combine the coffee grounds and the coconut oil in a bowl and stir until it forms a paste. Rub it on damp skin, in circular motions preferably using your hands. After that, it is recommended to wash off with warm water. It makes your skin supple and has a beautiful fragrance of lemon and orange that lingers after washing it off.

Quick Tips for DIY Beauty

Patch Test: Before using any new mask or scrub, it is recommendable to first conduct a patch test to check whether you are allergic to it or not.

Fresh Ingredients: It is recommended to use high quality fresh foods for the preparation of the recipe.

Consistency: The usage of these natural remedies becomes significant in maintaining skin health and thus getting a natural skin glow.

The Bottom Line

It is not only enjoyable but also beneficial to make your own beauty remedies at home; this way, you can guarantee that your skin is getting the best treatment out there without even having to worry about the presence of those horrible chemicals. These homemade masks and scrubs using ingredients that are easily available in households are perfect for some ‘me time’ and beauty treatments.

If you have any creative beauty tips, you are welcome to our Write for Us Beauty section to express your valuable opinions. It would also give others different perspectives on natural beauty remedies!