The Various Controversies And The Role Of News And Media In Our Country

The Various Controversies And The Role Of News And Media In Our Country

News is there to acknowledge the citizens of India regarding various facts and speculations happening in their country. They are responsible for letting us know about epidemics, politics, democracy, crimes, sports, business, entertainment and many more and therefore the role of news and media is immense in the country.

When a person need to spread some news in the entire country they always have to take a shoulder of a news and media for doing so as doing it at a personal level and making something reach to 134 billion population of the country is not feasible and therefore, people believe in taking the support of news and media for doing so.

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There are various controversies in which news and media often get stuck and these controversies are as follows:-

  1. News and media are often accused of spreading the news related to defamation of a political party or a ruler, a business organization or a basic citizen of the country. Many times the news spread by them is just their own perception towards the thing or a person and it does not work with any evidence for real facts which make them into legal issues.
  2. It is been said that news and media plays a major role in democracy and making people aware about their democratic rights and their choosing power for the welfare of the country and also for that it is their duty to show news related to facts and show the news related to democracy which can help people of the country to decide various things for their country at their level.
  3. Many times news and media is alleged for spreading news related to oppositions in the political system and therefore by many people it is said that they are not the people who have an option to assume the role of opposition.
  4. Currently our vice president of india has given a statement wherein he mentioned a thing for news and media that “Media and news should be objective and they do not have a right for being power breaker”.
  5. Currently it has been said that the news plays a dignified role in politics and the stock market.